So my last post here was 11th November? Omg. I read one novel in between, which was Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. However, I'm not going to blog about it. Mainly because I can't remember much about it, and I don't think I'm going to continue the trilogy. Plus I'm in Korean drama mode now, and when I'm in such a mood, novels do no good. I can only do one thing at a time. Well, this post is going to be about Boys Over Flower, which I finished watching about two weeks ago, but postponed (procrastinated) this post till now. Leggo.
Firstly, I have to mention, this is the second time I'm watching Lee Min Ho in a school-type of series, where he is just too old for that role. In The Heirs, it was bad enough. Although he was younger in BOF, but I guess his face is the matured type, so he just doesn't fit here. Having said that, his acting is fine, so it wasn't too bad either. I shall talk about the characters first, before focusing on the plot. Actually, I won't be focusing on the plot. I'll be talking about, which guy actually deserves her, and the reason to why I think so.
Yi-Jung. So for me this is the best looking member of F4. But, his acting was bad. The happy parts were okay, but he couldn't pull of the depressive phase. Plus, I totally couldn't get why he suddenly started thinking about his past, when from the beginning of the drama, the only depressed person was Ji-Hoo, or so they portrayed. Either I can't remember where was the trigger, or there wasn't one.

Ku Hye-Sun (Geum Jan-Di). She acted in Blood, which I watched a couple of months ago. In Blood she was super annoying with her long hair. Here however, I kinda liked her acting. Although her crying scenes were forced, but overall, she was less annoying and wayyy more pretty with her short hair. Her smile is just super charming!
Kim Hyun-Joong. So he actually can't play the violin, but he tried la HAHAHA. Anyway, for me, his best is still Inspiring Generation. He has that depressed look, but at the same time, if you noticed, he has a pretty nice smile as well. I'm not sure why the directors are misplacing his talent. They keep giving him the depressed roles for love stories. Wae? He was depressed in Inspiring Generation as well, but it suited him there. Its totally not suitable for chirpy love stories like this especially.
Now, basically Jun-Pyo (Lee Min Ho) and Ji Hoo (Hyun Joong) loves her, and Jan-Di loves Jun-Pyo (sadly). I think Ji Hoo should be the one that gets the girl. He cares for her. Maybe Jun-Pyo does as well. But, I don't give marks for effort. Ji-Hoo gets it right. He's always there especially when she needs someone. That's something that was never done by Jun-Pyo, which is just being there for her. That's very important for me I guess. Not being there emotionally, every single time, is a big time failure for me. Plus, Jun-Pyo is so dramatic and confused at times. I know its tough, but people who can't make decisions annoy me. He can either choose his empire and or her, but he's standing on the fence and that's just irritating.
The only thing that I'd praise Jun-Pyo was how he cared for her family. That's something I rarely see in other korean dramas, and also for myself. Most of the time, I only think about the person I care about. I don't go to the extent of caring for their family members. Perhaps, that should be the way, because the other factors also contribute to the happiness of your loved one, and taking care of those factors also show that you care for that person.
One more thing about this drama, was the love triangle didn't get overly intense. Yes, their friendship was threatened because of a girl, and there were some "competitions" as well, but at no point I felt, that it was getting out of hand. There was one scene where Jun-Pyo will ask Ji-Hoo to punch him, and he will say that, there was a point in time where he felt Ji-Hoo would have been better for Jan-Di. Well, I agree with him. Definitely Ji-Hoo is better for her, and the fact that he feels that way, just shows that he isn't doing enough for her, and yet he doesn't actually do anything about it.
Perhaps I'm so bitter about the fact that Jun-Pyo won, is because I don't believe in that passionate love anymore. Your passion may not be the right choice, and the right choice may not be something you're passionate about. I feel the love Jun-Pyo and Jan-Di had was merely passionate, and not so much on whether they matched each other. Passionate love is like a bonfire. At first it burns fast and bright and super hot, however it takes a lot of effort and you constantly need to replace the firewood. At any one point you get tired, the fire will go out, even before the rain comes. I feel that what Jan-Di and Ji-Hoo had was something much better, something much mature. Its simple, effortless, but difficult to obtain. Its not easy to find someone that you can just blend in and feel comfortable with. Some would think that what Jan-Di had for Ji-Hoo is not called love, but for me I do consider it as love. Probably because my terms are different.
Either way, I totally enjoyed the drama, not forgetting the soundtracks for this drama were amazing. I'm still listening to it now, as I am typing this post. There were some scenes I just burst out laughing. Some kdramas just know how to be extremely dramatic, and I love how every time she sees any one of the other characters in the drama, she is so shocked to see them, and she goes "Sunbae?" - like she hasn't seen them in a 100 years.
This is my most most most favorite scene, I just wanted the drama to end here. Even if it was fake, it was sweet :) I'm watching Bubblegum now. I'm sure I'll be blogging about that soon, the story is picking up its pace. See ya!
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