Sunday, 6 July 2014

The Little Mermaid

I realized I didn't really fill my childhood with fairy tales, perhaps thats why I dont really have faith in human nature. How did I realize this? During my transition from psychological thriller movies to the lovey-dovey korean dramas. Well, not really transition. It was because of the korean dramas. I have been only watching a few, and out of those, they used fairy tales as analogies to their love story, to explain the complex situation the male and the female is in. For example, Secret Garden used Alice in Wonderland and The Little Mermaid; and The Master's Sun used One Stormy Night. Well for One Stormy Night, its okay if I didnt know that one, because its a korean tale, so its more exposed to people of that culture. But for the former two, I had difficulties understanding the complex love situation because as complex as it is, it became even more complex when I didnt get their analogy. Although I knew that there was something as The Little Mermaid, I never knew what her problem was. So, I just read the story, written by Hans Anderson. This is he :

Well, He looks like a mer-man Himself

At first, it seemed okay, until I read the psychoanalysis of the story by some smart people in Copenhagen, explaining the story using Freudian and Jungian terms; and then I lost hope all over again. In the story before I read the analysis, this captured me :

 "Now he is sailing up there, 
the prince whom I love more than I love my father and mother: 
He who is ever in my thoughts and in whose hands 
I would gladly place all my hope of happiness. 
I would dare to do anything to win him and an immortal soul!"

Wow. Okayy. Does anyone even say that these days? However, all was lost after I read the psychoanalysis (the link of which I will put post-script). The analysis talked about the Oedipus/Electra Complex (look it up, if you dont know, or you might not want to know either), and the analysis became so sexual focusing on phalluses and the needs of a girl transforming in the age of puberty, and her process of individuation as Jung coined it. Also, the analysis was revolving around matriarchal/patriarchal issues in the sea and human land.  My goodness!! Such an innocent tale became dark and tragic. Analyzing the human psyche can make you lose hope in life, when you finally realize what we all are underneath. However, I decided to have a take on the themes of this story for myself, a less sexual/pubertal view and less gender biasness. I will list out the themes which it brought out, according to me:

1.   Obedience
This can be seen, in all the mermaids that did not disobey the grandma who said they cant swim up to the surface till they are fifteen. They could have done it anytime, but they obeyed instead.
2.   Patience
The Little Mermaid was patient enough to wait for her last turn as the youngest to swim up to the surface.
3.   Curiosity
The Little Mermaid had a really curious personality, and really wanted to explore the world outside what she is in. What she had wasn't enough, although it offered 300 years of pure happiness. This could be the symbol of the fundament of human nature who can never be satisfied with what they are given, no matter how good they can be. There will always be something better in our eyes.  
4.   Freedom
There was much freedom once the mermaid reached 15 years of age, and the little mermaid used this opportunity to run away from home and travels to untravelled places such as the witch's place.
5.   Pride
This is rather an epic theme. This is because of what they Grandma said, "One has to suffer for position". Even the grandma wore stuff on her neck to distinguish her position from others in the hierarchy.
6.   External Beauty
No great detail was given in any part of this story about personality. Everything was merely judged, and at a magnificent speed, based on the beauty, especially of females, and of males at one instance(the prince). The fact that the Little Mermaid could not talk, but just because she was beautiful, she became acquainted with the prince, and got a place to sleep in the palace, and ride with the prince, not forgetting the free clothes. Also, the prince decided that the princess he was going to marry just on the fact that she is beautiful and because she saved him (barely).
7.   Love
Well of course this is the most important theme of this story, or at least for children. Its not that the mermaid wasnt receving any form of love; she did, from her family at least, but she wanted the love of a man, and it so happened to be the first man she saw in life was the love of her life already. On top of that, I find it a total insult to love, to be based purely on looks, she didn't care a damn about anything else, he is handsome, and from now onwards, you-are-mine; I will save you, I will hug you, I will kiss you, lay your head on my bosom =.= and so forth. Thank God she wasn't overly attached and allowed him to marry the princess.
8.   Immortality
Alongside love, the importance of love was kinda equated with immortality. She wanted immortality as much as she wanted him. One could say that this is what she primarily wanted, and to achieve it, she needed a man. However, she only knew of the marriage deal later on. She was already fantasizing with the marble statue at the base of the sea.
9.   Marriage
Marriage seems to be the real deal here. No marriage no talk. She could only achieve an immortal soul if she married, and the importance of religion is intensified by the icon of a priest in this theme. No dating for fun, or just friends with benefits okayyy. 
10. Sacrifice
Okay, most people will consider this sacrifice. The part where she didnt kill him and that she went through a lot of pain just to be with him and also the tongue-cutting-so-oldboy-part. But how is this sacrifice actually? She wanted him, so basically its for her benefit. She has to be in pain coz she asked for it. Sorry people. It would have been different, and I would consider it sacrifice, if, the prince loved the mermaid first (the tail part of her) but couldnt be with her in the water, and then she transformed and came out and had to walk on swords all her life just for him, also because she loves him. Thats sacrifice for me.
11. Salvation
One tiny bit of this is discussed here, but this seems to be a very important aspect in life. It highlights the need of finally being in God's Kingdom. However, the way in which they suggest is by 'good deeds', which strongly opposes what my religion believes. Because nothing we can do, pleases God, only through faith and believing in Him. On top of that, it also mentioned some kind of economic deal with God, which doesnt make sense at all, that if they find a happy child, a year is minused from their misery. Misleading info.

And so, I find this story to be very disturbing. Hahaha. One could just enjoy it superficially however. But thats not me I guess. See ya!

 Link to the Analysis :

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