Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Picoult, Despain, Gerritsen


So back to books. I've read three books already but I've been procrastinating to blog about it. I shall start with My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. This is my fourth Picoult book. Anyway, the plot isn't too complex. Basically, these two parents had a kid with leukemia, and in order to provide genetically matching blood or marrow and whatnot, they genetically engineered another kid. This engineered kid, files a lawsuit against her parents, because apparently when she is required to donate a kidney to her dying sister, it becomes too much for her to handle so she flips. However, at the end, we learn that its her dying sister's final wish - that the engineered kid shouldn't donate her kidney, so that she could die. The leukemic kid was suffering too much, she just wanted to die. 

The story was written in multiple POV's. Picoult's fashion, just like she did in Leaving Time. All the characters took turns to speak their mind. Although sometimes its hard to keep up, but its okay for me. I can enjoy it. For me, if the engineered kid filed a lawsuit based on the initial claim (that she just can't continue being a default donor without proper consent), I would have loved the story more. Its because I would look at that kid as being really mature, and doing what most kids cannot do, which is to fight for themselves. However, that turned out to be a cliche as it was the dying girl's wish to die a dignified death. 

It all became too perfect, when the engineered kid got into a car crash, in a way that only resulted in brain death, which made her a perfect candidate for kidney donation. Her leukemic sister needed a kidney - how convenient. In the end, the sister with the rare leukemia survived with the kidney. The ending was just too perfect. I enjoyed the journey. I always do with Picoult's novels. The endings doesn't necessarily impress me, except for the case of Leaving Time. All her novels are thought provoking. I kind of imagine myself in both the situations of the dying kid, and the genetically engineered kid, and in both situations, life sucks. I watched the movie after reading the book, and the movie was even more of a cliche because the leukemic kid just died instead. Nevermind. 

This was the next book I read. It's actually a trilogy, and this is the first book. I doubt I'm going to continue with the other two books though. I actually started the second book, when someone on Dayre recommended me Die Again by Tess Gerritsen. Usually, when I put a book down, its really hard to pick it up again. Plus my exam is on wednesday next week, which makes tomorrow less than a week I have till exam. Novels isn't the thing I should be doing now. Oh well.

This novel is about a guy who is a werewolf (Daniel), and this girl (Grace) who adores this guy. After some fallout, this guy left town, to explore himself and his wolf. Years later, he returns, and this girl is still crazy over him. Apparently, there's a cure to this wolf thing. It has to be someone with no predatory intent, but true love to stab the wolf (in the wolf state, not the human state) in the chest, directly injuring the heart with a silver weapon. Conflict of the story is that, Grace's brother was bitten by Daniel sometime before the fallout many years ago. So the brother is in fact a wolf too. The thing about the transformation of wolf in this book is similar to The Vampire Diaries, where you need to make a kill to complete the transition. It takes time for the wolf to come in control, so the brother has been killing some people in town without realizing when the wolf takes over.

Somehow, (to cut the story short), the brother bit her sister, Grace, while Grace stabbed the silver knife into Wolf Daniel's heart. So basically, Daniel is now cured. Grace becomes a wolf because her brother bit her before she did the stab, which makes Daniel's kill her first blood to complete her transformation. Her brother is now still unconscious about the fact that he is a werewolf and tries to keep Grace away from Daniel. There was romance in the book. Mostly about kissing and knees getting weak while kissing. Its all sweet, but whether I would enjoy it or not really depends on my mood. I was reading it because I had nothing else to read. That's why I abandoned it when I had another recommendation HAHA. Perhaps I might continue the second book in the trilogy after exams, who knows?

Okay next. This book I started last night, and finished it about an hour ago. It was just amazing. I couldn't put it down, except to sleep yesterday night HAHAHA. I didn't know the author, but now I do and apparently she is a physician. There was a dual storyline, until the meeting point somewhere around the climax. The first storyline was happening six years ago. 7 people trapped in a safari, and they were dying one by one, leaving one survivor and of course the killer itself. The second storyline was about two murders, and an ongoing investigation. Eventually both story lines meet, and the murders are tied up to each other. 

The serial killer turns out to be a person who takes on different identities, and instead of hunting animals, he hunts humans. He puts them in a hunting circumstance, and its just downright horrifying. He feels the power of being a predator. The novel didn't go into the psychological aspects of serial killers. It was basically a police investigation finding a criminal. There was quite extensive research on Felidae (cat family) for this novel and how they hunt. It was enjoyable and a really fun read. The serial killer has been doing this for years now. The only mistake he made was assuming, the survivor would not have survived the safari alone for two weeks. Along with some photo taking mistakes, he realized he needed to cover his tracks, and to do so, he committed another two murders that stirred up everything. It's a higly recommended read, and in fact there's a whole series of books that Gerritsen wrote. I'm sure I'm going to explore more of it.
"I’m alive merely because I was too terrified to die..... 
I will always be that cracked porcelain doll."

Monday, 9 November 2015

Spectre 007

I watched Spectre last Friday, and read the review on Vox on Saturday and basically, everything I want to say is there. Honestly, I think we have seen it all. How much can action movies impress us these days? If you think about it, action movies revolves only around a few things - pendrives, saving girls, defusing bombs or stopping nuclear warfare. The plot of action movies don't run too far from these themes. When there's nothing much to comment on the plot, we focus on other factors in the movie to compliment. 

Firstly, Bond is known for his 'player' attitude. So basically, this has been screwed up since Casino Royale. Craig had a 'real' love and he's still hung up on her. I think his liquor preference has been addressed elsewhere too. Not forgetting his action skills became more 'human' ever since Craig signed the contract. I'm okay with all of these to be honest. Like all Bond movies, the beginning of the movie can be separated into three parts - the gunshot and blood entrance, viewed through a gun barrel, then comes the opening action scene, and then comes the very sexy introduction of names with a theme song. There were goosebumps-inducing octopi this time, coupled with Sam Smith's Writing's On The Wall. I was okay with the song, but not the octopus. At first it felt artistic, but the octopus didn't go away and it started to get annoying. 

The opening action scene was magnificent - the one where there's a death day parade in Mexico. I liked that, and there was less talking, and it was slightly comedic. After that, it just basically went downhill. I didn't really sink into the movie, and felt like the movie didn't actually hold a proper plot and I kept feeling, has the real conflict of the movie kicked in? The plot was rather simple, which is to stop a kind of global surveillance that takes over the double-O program. I think I have to give Christoph Waltz some credit here. 

Christoph Waltz

I loved this guy's acting since Inglorious Basterds, not forgetting Django Unchained. He is just a natural when taking on a villain role. He speaks calmly and it sounds like a badass. Although, if you watched Spectre, the part when Bond's bomb watch exploded near him, worked against his benefit (the whole scene just made him lose his coolness), but I think overall he did well. What else do I remember about Spectre? Car chase! I loved the car chase. These were the cars used in the movie. My favorite car was used by the villain instead HAHA.

Aston Martin DB10 & Jaguar C-X75

Honestly, I think the car chase action in Spectre did much better than Fast & Furious. It was more logical, exciting, cool, fast, and elegant. About the love story in this movie, it was so superficial that I didn't feel anything at all. He just made a promise to a guy to protect his daughter and suddenly shes the love of his life and he starts being all heroic about it. The destruction of the villain base was impressively short. Just took a gigantic blast and the whole place went down. Since this movie is new and I'm blogging about it, I cant really include screenshots.

Anyway, there was a scene, where Mr.Hinx was introducing himself, and he smacked the previous leader's head on the table. Well, seriously? that move is totally owened by Joker in The Dark Knight. Although this scene in Spectre did not involve a disappearing-pen-magic-trick. This head smash move was pulled off so well by The Joker, I don't think anyone should attempt it again, ever.

Joker's Magic Trick

Also, the ultimatum given by the villain (Christoph Waltz) to Bond was so lame. Save the girl or save yourself? Seriously? It's not even a difficult choice to make. It would be difficult, only if you're the most un-gentlemen and cowardly guy on earth. Again, I shall make a reference to The Dark Knight. Joker's ultimatum for Batman was much much better. Harvey or Rachel. Love or Duty. That's more like it - a tough choice. 

The last thing I'm going to mention about Spectre is, how much alike it is with Totally Spies, the cartoon. If you watched Totally Spies, you would know that, for every mission they get, they are given weapons so specific that it will come in handy only for that mission. Its not like a gun, which is multipurpose, and you can shoot anything, irrelevant of the drama you're stuck in. We are talking about some laser lipstick that cut through doors and it so happen, in that mission they (Totally Spies) would get stuck in a really thick metal-door room, where this laser can cut through it. Kinda same thing happened here. He received a watch-bomb. So happened, he got restrained on a futuristic lobotomy machine, where he could remove his watch and pass it to his girlfriend to slide it towards to villain (but not to throw is at his face) before it explodes. How convenient.

Overall I enjoyed the movie, because I was in a good mood I think. You could read the review on Vox to see the full crucifixion of the movie HAHA.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Our Times

It's been awhile since I blogged here. Mostly its because I haven't been watching any epic movies, and I've literally stopped exploring mind-boggling movies. Wanna know what I've been watching lately? Greys Anatomy. Any free time I have, its just an episode or two of Greys. So I have nothing much to blog about. I read a book though - Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn, but I totally forgot to blog about it, mostly because I mentioned a few things on Dayre on the day I finished reading it, and then I felt satisfied about how much I talked about it HAHA. Anyway, yesterday I watched this new Taiwanese love story. I kinda only got to know about it a week or so before the movie was released, but apparently many others were waiting for the movie for quite some time already. Plus the theme song for the movie was released for quite some time (of which I'm super hooked to).

The plot isn't really all that complex, although its not entirely a cliche. Usually its a triangle, but this one is a square? So there's Lin (the nobody girl), MinMin (the popular girl), TaiYu (the gangster guy), and OuYang (the popular guy). The popular guy and girl get together (?kinda). Obviously Lin adores OuYang - like all other girls in the school, and the gangster likes MinMin. So the gangster teams up with Lin in order to break up the popular couple so that they have a chance to be with whoever they like, respectively. However (as we all can see it from a hundred miles away), the romance between the gangster and Lin develops unexpectedly (the characters wasn't expecting I mean). 

Due to some accident-causing-curse-chain-letter, gangsterism and a stroke of bad luck, the gangster develops a ?clot in his brain. He had to go for his brain surgery in US, and of course he hid that fact from Lin. The surgical problem coupled with the fact that he thought the person Lin truly likes is OuYang led him to do what all dumb guys at that age do - The noble break up. Then he disappeared - only to return years later, while fulfilling his promise to her about the Andy Lau concert. 

 Before I give my honest opinion of the movie, I shall give a few awards HAHAHA. 

Shooting star scene

So basically, the scene above was the Best Scene for me. It was really sweet, and they both look really happy being by each others side.

The Noble BreakUp

The scene above is the scene with the Best Acting from Lin. He smiling-yet-crying face was epic, and she pulled it off really well - until she had that epic fall and stopped him from running after her. That part I just wanted to burst out laughing.

The orange sweater girl

So the girl in the orange sweater, I can't find her online, and I have no idea who she is. The cast list is not complete on websites, but she is the Prettiest Girl in the movie, for me. Why isn't she the main actress? HAHAHA 

Honestly, I really enjoyed the movie. It was sweet, and some parts were funny - and of course my date for the movie contributed most of the enjoyment. However, as usual, I am able to pick up the most negative parts in the sweetest bowl of sugar. The ending of course. It just suggests that people cannot move on, and that really sucks so bad. Its like she is living her life paralyzed by her previous love, and it obviously affected her current relationship badly. She chucked the current guy effortlessly I think HAHA. But I think people move on. People can move on. We have to, and I'd like to believe its possible. Because in real life no one comes back to you many years later in a concert-dream-fulfilling manner. Even by the time they do, the damage has been done.